20 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Model Cooperative Learning Tipe Active Debate Dan Metode Diskusi Terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Pkn Di Kelas XI SMA Negeri 7 Palu

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    Learning using Cooperative Learning model of the type Active Debate to train students to think critically through debate. Discussion method to train students interact in solving a problem. This study aimed to determine whether there is a difference increase critical thinking skills of students in classes that implement Cooperative Learning model ot the type of Active Debate and discussion class that implements the method. Sample in this research is class student XI IPS I as an experimental class and class XI IPA III as the control class. Date collection techniques are critical thinking skills test. Based on research results of students critical thinking skills after study shows that there are differences in students critical thinking abilities experimental class and control class. It can be concluded that the class using Cooperative Learning model of the type of Active Debate has the ability to think critically is better than the class that uses the mothod of discussion

    Analisis Industri Batik Di Indonesia

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    One of the popular fashions in Indonesia is batik. Several countries had acknowledgedthat batik was originated from their countries. In fact, Malaysia had registered a patent for batik.However, recently UNESCO has acknowledged that batik is indeed an Indonesian culturalheritage. In Indonesia, batik has developed since the beginning of the 19th century and hasundergone the rise and fall through its development.The analysis of batik industry will identify the opportunities and strengths of Indonesianbatik industry in facing competition. In addition, it also will identify threats and weaknesses ofbatik industry using SWOT analysis.Prior to analyzing opportunities, strengths, threats and weaknesses of batik industry, themacro environment of the company is analyzed that consist of technology, general economiccondition, legislation and regulation, societal values and lifestyle, population demographics. Thestructure of batik industry is also analyzed

    Analisis Hubungan Ketidakpastian Lingkungan Dan Kinerja Manajerial Melalui Sistem Akuntansi Manajemen

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze environmental uncertainty relationship and managerial performance with Management Accounting Systems as an intervening variable. The data used in this study were obtained from the manager's perception of marketing, production and finance are functionally involved in managerial performance in manufacturing companies in Banten. The number of questionnaires returned was 41 questionnaire from 150. The data analysis approach Partial Least Square (PLS) using software SmartPLS. This study was conducted at a Manufacturing Company in Banten Province, with the object of study is the manager of marketing, production and finance. This study uses survey research with primary data collection using questionnaires. Selection of the samples tested in this study using purposive sampling, 41 respondents was selected as the study sample. hypotheses testing research with the inner model. The results of this study were (1) A significant positive relationship was observed between and  management accounting system (dimensions of scope, aggregation, integration and timeliness), (2) there aren’t significantly negative between environmental uncertainty with managerial performance, it does not support the hypothesis, and (3) management accounting system is (dimension aggregation and integration) significantly positively related to managerial performance, while management is Accounting System (scope and time dimensions) does not significantly negatively related to managerial performance, it does not support the hypothesis

    Hubungan Media Richness Terhadap User Trust Dan Persepsi Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Dengan Sensitivitas Lingkungan Industri Sebagai Variabel Moderating (Studi Empiris Pada Mahasiswa Pasca Sarjana Akuntansi Di Jakarta)

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    This study analyzed the relationship richnerss media with user trust and perceptions of corporate social responsibility with environmental sensitivity of the industry as a moderating variable. The purpose of the study was to find empirical evidence of: (a) the media richness in the presentation of corporate social responsibility disclosure is positively related to the level of belief stakeholders, (b) the sensitivity of the moderating industrial environment can be a positive relationship of media richness in the presentation of corporate social responsibility disclosure level stakeholder confidence; (c) the presentation of media richness in corporate social responsibility disclosure is positively related to the perception of corporate social responsibility. This research was conducted in the Graduate Program in Accounting Jakarta, with the object of study is accounting graduate student. This study uses survey research with primary data collection using questionnaires. The selection of samples tested in this study using a convenience sampling method, of 100 complete questionnaires as research samples. This study used a simple regression analysis as a tool and a simple regression analysis using the absolute value of the difference by using Partial Least Square (PLS)

    Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Struktur Kristal, Sifat Termal dan Konduktivitas Ionik Gelas Komposit (Agi)0,7(napo3)0,3

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    SINTESIS DAN KARAKTERISASI STRUKTUR KRISTAL, SIFAT TERMAL DAN KONDUKTIVITAS IONIK GELAS KOMPOSIT (AgI)0,7(NaPO3)0,3. Telah disintesis bahan elektrolit padat baru berbasis gelas NaPO3 dan gelas komposit (AgI)0,7(NaPO3)0,3. Berbagai karakterisasi telah dilakukan pada kedua elektrolit padat ini seperti pengukuran struktur kristal menggunakan X-ray Diffractometer, sifat termal dengan Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) dan pengukuran konduktivitas ionik menggunakan Impedance Spectroscopy (LCR meter). Pola difraksi sinar-x pada suhu ruang menunjukkan bahwa gelas NaPO3 terdiri dari dua puncak lebar yang menandakan gelas ini benar-benar masih amorf dan kualitasnya baik. Pada gelas komposit (AgI)0,7(NaPO3)0,3 ditunjukkan bahwa sebagian cuplikan telah terkristalisasi. Analisis struktur kristal pada suhu ruang menunjukkan bahwa presipitat tersebut berasal dari campuran fasa γ-AgI dan β-AgI, sedangkan pada suhu 250 oC telah terjadi Perubahan fasa menjadi α-AgI. Hal ini didukung dengan pengamatan sifat termal bahwa telah terjadi transisi fasa pada suhu sekitar 148,43 oC dengan enthalpy sebesar 21,43 J/g. Hasil pengukuran sifat listrik pada tegangan dan frekuensi yang berbeda menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi kenaikan konduktivitas ionik yang signifikan pada gelas komposit (AgI)0,7(NaPO3)0,3 yaitu α(0,1volt) = 6,918 x 10–6 S/cm, α(1 volt) = 3,09 x 10-5 S/cm, α(2 volt) = 4,36 x 10-5 S/cm, dibandingkan dengan gelas tanpa dopan NaPO3 yaitu α(0,1volt) = 1,62 x 10–8 S/cm, α(1 volt) = 2,39 x 10-7 S/cm, α(2 volt) = 2,51 x 10-7 S/cm. Kenaikan konduktivitas ini bukan disebabkan karena α-AgI sebagaimana yang diperkirakan sebelumnya, melainkan karena mekanisme konduksi Ag+ and I- pada matriks gelas NaPO3

    Karakterisasi Senyawa Isoprenoid Sebagai Produk Alami Pada Mangrove Sejati Minor Non Sekresi Excoecaria Agallocha L., Di Hutan Mangrove Sumatera Utara

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    Characterization of isoprenoid compounds for natural products on true mangrove minor non-secreting Excoecaria agallocha L. in North Sumatran mangrove forest. This study aims to determine the characterization of isoprenoid compounds and lipid content of the mangrove type of non-secretion (Excoecaria agallocha L.) The samples were collected from the leaves and roots of E. Agallocha L. The results showed the composition NSL of E. agallocha L. were squalen, campesterol, stigmasterol, β-sitiosterol, cycloarterol, taraxerol, β-amyrin, germanicol, lupenone, betulin, lupeol, and α-amyrin. Stigmasterol is part of phytosterol had the highest content of 13.2. This research may provide information the diversity of triterpenoid and phytosterol composition in North Sumatran mangrove E. Agallocha L

    Uji Antagonisme Isolat Mutan Sclerotium Rolfsii Sacc. Terhadap Isolat Tipe Liar Sclerotium Rolfsii Sacc. Di Laboratorium

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    Antagonism test mutated isolate of Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. against wild type isolate ofSclerotium rolfsii Sacc. in laboratory. This research aims to determine ability from mutated isolateof S. rolfsii to inhibit wild type isolate of S. rolfsii\u27s growth in laboratory. It was conducted in PlantPathology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatra Utara, Medan from Septemberuntil November 2012. It was done by using Completely Randomized Design Non Factorial with 7treatments and 3 replications. This research\u27s result showed that highest percentage of inhibitingzones contained at 20 and 25 minutes UV irradiated isolate (M4 and M5) at 63.66 % and 60.95 %and the lowest were at 30 and 15 minutes UV irradiated isolate (M6 and M3) at 52.80 % and55.17 %. Macroschopic of S. rolfsii experience of the change at 15 and 30 minutes UV irradiatedisolate (M3 and M6) were in the form of colony more dense and compact, myselium like cotton andhyphae in the form of refinement. The highest diametre from mutated isolate of S. rolfsii containedat 20 minutes UV irradiated isolate (M4) at 6.63 cm and the lowest were at 30 minutes UVirradiated isolate (M6) at 4.76 cm. The highest wide of growth from mutated isolate of S. rolfsiicontained at 20 minutes UV irradiated isolate (M4) at 34.15 cm2 and the lowest were at 30 minutesUV irradiated isolate (M6) at 18.54 cm2

    Evaluasi Kompetensi Kepribadian dan Sosial Guru SMP di Kecamatan Kota Manna

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi kompetensi kepribadian dan sosial guru. Metode penelitian ini adalah diskriptif evaluatif dangan pendekatan kuantitatif. Dari hasil penelitian dan pembahasan pada penelitian ini dapat diambil simpulan bahwa pelaksanaan kompetensi guru umunya berkatagori baik dan sudah memenuhi standar yang diharapkan. Pada kompetensi kepribadian rata-rata sudah masuk dalam katagori baik disetiap aspek dan indikator yang dinilai, sedangkan pada kompetensi sosial sudah memenuhi standarisasi yang telah ditetapkan dengan rata-rata persentase skor kesesuaian pada standar kompetensi dengan katagori baik disetiap aspek dan indikator yang dinila